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4 Steps to Select The Right Central Stabilizer

10KVA Servo Voltage Stabilizer (130V-250V)

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In discussing steps to select The Right Central Stabilizer, Voltage fluctuation is very common and high in Nigeria. Sometimes, it goes as low as 60V instead of the required 220V. At other times, it would be as high as 280V. Both high or low Voltage are very harmful to the precious electrical appliances that we have in our houses or offices. A single damage to these items could cost us over hundreds of thousands of naira. A single high current coming into the house could spoil all the electrical items in the house.

With the help of a central stabilizer, this problem could be solved. The stabilizer will help regulate this too high or too low voltage input and supply the entire apartment with the required 220V.

Importance of a Voltage Stabilizer

A good Stabilizer will help regulate the input voltage and supply the right 220V to the apartment. It senses the voltage fluctuations and either boosts or tames it to the required level before sending it to your appliance.

This ability of the stabilizer makes it a safety device between your appliance and power supply for every home. It ensures trouble-free operations and optimizes the operating life of your appliance.

Steps to select the right type of stabilizer

Selecting a stabilizer is a critical matter and can cost us a lot of money if we do not buy the right type, capacity or range that is good for us.

The basic things you need to consider include

  • The rate of fluctuation fluctuation in your area
  • The range of your power input (either too high or too low) and
  • Total Load

4 Steps to selecting your Central Stabilizer

  1. Determine the rate of fluctuation; – Fluctuation would be explained to be the unsteady supply of a constant voltage from the national grid. If what you are experiencing is constantly low or high voltage, we would say your fluctuation is small. If what you experience is not constant but would regularly move from low to high regularly, then what you are experiencing is a high rate of voltage fluctuation. For a high voltage fluctuation, we will recommend a Servo type Stabilizer. If you voltage is a constant low or high one, a Relay Stabilizer would be OK for you.
  2. Try to get the voltage coming to your area for the extreme end periods (either when it is very low or when it is very high); Based on the range you have, you must make sure that the stabilizer you are buying can cover this range successfully. This would help you select the best range for your stabilizer. If you buy a stabilizer that cannot cover the voltage range in your area, the stabilizer would be shutting down most time and that would amount to wastage of resources.
  3. Total load factor to determine Stabilizer Capacity; – Stabilizer capacities ranges from as low as 1KVA to as high as 10,000 KVA. Buying the right capacity for your present and feature need would end up saving a lot of money on the long run. Thou, this might be expensive now. For you to calculate your total load, simply get the list of all the items you want to use the stabilizer to power. Check the power factor of each item. Consider adding double power for inductive loads. The, add all the loads together and multiple by 1.5. This will give room for drop in input voltage compensation for efficiency.
  4. Your Total value should be round-up to the nearest available capacity of Stabilizer

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